Evaluation and performance review
Considering circular economy aspects in the evaluation and performance review of suppliers
Once the contract has been awarded to a supplier or group of suppliers, your city or department can monitor and evaluate whether, and to what extent, the supplier is fulfilling your functional needs. Performance evaluation is an on-going process and the feedback gathered throughout the lifetime of a project can be used to inform other projects and develop a long-term relationship with your suppliers as they adopt more circular practices.
Questions to consider:
How will you measure your suppliers’ circular performance against the tender specifications?
How could you encourage your suppliers to adopt more circular practices throughout the duration of the contract?
Can you terminate your supplier's contract if they fail to comply with the circular requirements outlined in the contract?
Circulytics is a company-level measuring tool, developed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, that reveals the extent to which a company has achieved circularity across its entire operations.
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