Learn from other cities

Cities around the world are already procuring circular goods and services

Several cities from around the world are already adopting a more circular approach to public procurement and achieving positive social, environmental, and economic outcomes. From the purchasing of cradle-to-cradle office furniture, to the leasing of vehicles, to the construction of modular buildings, there are many successful examples. Learning from these pioneers and understanding how similar strategies could be replicated in your local context is one way of identifying potential opportunities for your circular public procurement activities.

Questions to consider:

  • Are there examples of circular public procurement activities (provided in this framework or elsewhere) that could be replicated in your city or department?

  • Can your city or department join existing working groups, platforms, or conferences to learn from other cities?

  • Can you engage other cities or departments that have implemented successful circular public procurement activities and learn from their experiences?


  • The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has several case studies of cities from around the world that are implementing circular economy strategies, including circular public procurement.

  • The Sustainable Procurement Platform showcases examples of cities around the world that have embedded circular requirements in their tenders.

  • Circular Flanders showcases examples across different sectors of how circular projects have been implemented across the region.

  • Circle Economy’s Knowledge Hub provides a collection of case studies from around the globe, including circular procurement strategies.

  • The PROCURA+ Network lists a number of case-studies about sustainable and innovative procurement approaches and strategies trialled by its participants.

  • The Circular Procurement Learning Network group on LinkedIn connects buyers and suppliers in the field of circular procurement to exchange best practices.

  • ICLEI and C40 represent networks of cities that offer opportunities for knowledge sharing and networking.

  • The Big Buyers for Climate and Environment convenes working groups, which focus on a specific unmet public procurement need. The groups meet regularly, both online and in person, and consist of a small number of public purchasing organisations, such as local and regional governments, central purchasing bodies, and other public agencies.

  • The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s community platform is the world’s biggest group of organisations dedicated to building a circular economy. Through this network you can find out more about initiatives happening in other cities and exchange with other policymakers. Your city or local government can register and join our network here.

Last updated

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